Get Involved


You can support Friendship Ark Homes and Community Services in many ways!


Friendship Ark has a volunteer internship program. Earn college credit with your 500 hours of service and make an impact at the same time. You may find that you are as impacted as the organization and core members are.



If you are interested in serving as a board member, let the office know. The board is not selected based on an application process but is chosen to complement the strengths to create as diverse a group as possible to add value to the organization.


Attend/Donate to an Event or Become a Business Partner


The Bill Bergan Five on the Fourth

Join us for our signature July 4th fundraising event, our annual run/walk at Ada Hayden Park in Ames. Alternatively, sign up for the virtual option which you may complete by running or walking a 5k route at the location of your choice. Watch our social media channels in the spring of 2025 for details and registration information.


Annual Fundraising Event

Mark your calendar for Saturday, April 5th, 2025, the date of our third Tropical Sangria Escape. We will be gathering at the CMPI Event Center and be entertained by Dueling Pianos. We can't wait to once again bid winter good-bye at our tropical getaway with you. Don't forget to dress in your best tropical attire.

Get your tickets HERE.


The event will feature a social hour and dinner, signature sangria, wine and beer options, dessert auction, gala games and program as well as live and silent auctions. Dueling Pianos will be taking requests throughout the evening and will be splitting the tips with us 50/50.


In 2024 we raised approximately $15,000 more in support of Friendship Ark's mission than the previous year, resulting in one of our best fundraising events yet, and we have a goal to surpass that in 2025. If you have questions, would like to become involved as a presenting sponsor or contribute a live or silent auction item, please contact our office at [email protected] or (515) 292-9556.


Become a Business Partner

Our business partners are crucial in providing the community support needed for us to continue to fulfill our mission of celebrating the uniqueness of adults living with intellectual and developmental disabilities and helping them reach their fullest potential through faith, family and friendship.


Presenting sponsorship opportunities are available for both, the Tropical Sangria Escape and/or The Bill Bergan 5k on the 4th.  Please contact our office for more information about how we can work together to provide your business with excellent brand visibility at our evens.


Information about annual supporting business partnership opportunities throughout the year can be found in our our Partnership Brochure, here.



Friendship Ark is witnessing growing demand for both homes and community services at the same time that some funding sources are expected to decline. We encourage you to think about three ways you can support the meaningful work underway at Friendship Ark. (1) Donate to the construction of a new home, (2) Contribute to the endowment fund; or (3) Consider a deferred gift.
Click here to learn more.


Thank you for your support, be it financial or with your time. Both are valuable. You matter and we are very thankful to have so many caring individuals affect the organization and the core members.


For more information about supporting Friendship Ark through your time and talents or financially, contact
Executive Director, Jennifer Ellis at:

515.292.9556 or [email protected]


Friendship Ark Homes and Community Services provides a variety of supports that allow individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to thrive.

Questions? Email Us